INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INTERACTIVE DEMO OF THE INCREDIBLE MACHINE (10/07/92) Greetings fellow inventors, puzzlers, and gamesters!! Welcome to the wacky and wondrous world of "The Incredible Machine". This interactive demo version lets you get a taste of the game to see for yourself if you want to buy the full version which will be available in stores and directly from Sierra On-Line in November 1992. INSTALLATION (FROM DISK) 1. If you are reading this, you have the Demo disk in a floppy drive, and you are in the TIM directory. So, go to step 2. 2. Now type INSTALL . 3. Select COPY THE INCREDIBLE MACHINE to HARD DRIVE from the Smart Start menu. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions. STARTING TIM Any time you wish to play TIM after it has been installed, follow these instructions: 1. Get into the TIM directory on the hard drive. Probably by typing CD C:\DYNAMIX\TIM. 2. Type TIM to start the program. PLAYING TIM 1. From the Control Panel, click on either the arrow icon or the picture of the playfield. The Smart Cursor will show the word PLAY. 2. Now all actions are controlled by the mouse and the Smart Cursor. Notice that when your cursor is over a part (where the part border is animating), one or more "handles" will be available to click on. The number of "handles" shown will be based upon what can be done to a part. For example, if a part can not be flipped then the flip "handles" will not be shown. These handles will perform the following actions when they are clicked on: PICKUP - (Smart Cursor is arrow with HAND icon) Pickup is active within the interior of the active part, or over the part icon if the Smart Cursor is over the parts bin. After being picked up, a part can be placed anywhere on the screen as long as it does not overlap another part. If it is overlapping another part, a large red "X" will appear over it. The part can also be dropped back into the part bin. Click the mouse button to drop a part after it has been picked up. RECYCLE - (Smart Cursor is arrow with RECYCLE icon) This handle is in the upper left corner of the active part. Recycle will immediately remove a part from the playfield and put it back into the parts bin. FLIP - (Smart Cursor is arrow with FLIP icons) These handles are in the lower left and lower right corners of the active part and allow the active part to be flipped left/right or up/down. RESIZE - (Smart Cursor is arrow with RESIZE icons) These handles are above, below, to the left, and to the right of the active object. Clicking on one of these handles activates resizing. Moving the mouse will change the size of the active part. Clicking the mouse a second time turns off resizing. 3. Click on the STARTER icon (in the upper right corner of the screen) when you are ready to run your machine. To stop a running machine, just click the mouse button. Below the Starter icon are the Scroll Part Bin arrows. If there are more than five different types of parts in the parts bin, these arrows allow you to scroll through them. The Control Panel can be brought up by clicking the RIGHT mouse button. PUZZLES For this interactive demo, there are only eight puzzles, but in the real version there are over 100 puzzles. The goals of each puzzle are described on the Control Panel. In each puzzle there will be some parts that are already positioned on the playfield. Note that you cannot pickup, recycle, flip, or resize any of these initial parts. Once a puzzle has been solved you will be given a password for later access. This demo version of TIM always allows access to all puzzles, so you don't need to worry about the passwords. After solving a puzzle, the next puzzle will automatically be loaded for you. If you want to select a different puzzle, simply click on the Puzzle icon from the Control Panel, highlight the desired puzzle, and then click on the PLAY icon. The puzzle that you have selected will be loaded. FREEFORM NOTE: Freeform is not available in the demo version. From the Control Panel, click on the Wrench icon. In this mode you have an unlimited number of parts and all the different types of parts are available for use. You are also able to change the gravity and the air pressure. You can build any machine you desire. You can also save the machine to disk for later use. Saved machines can also be uploaded to bulletin boards. PC SOUNDS NOTE: Although this demo version does not support PC speakers, it does support most major sound cards. Look for the full version of The Incredible Machine in November 1992. Please pass this version along to your friends. HAVE FUN!! Copyright 1992 Sierra On-Line TO ORDER THE INCREDIBLE MACHINE Sierra On-Line, Inc. Order Department P.O. Box 978 Oakhurst, CA 93644-9899 Call (800) 326-6654 to place an order or get pricing information. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (209) 683-8989